Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog #3

I have been watching, listening and reading about the situation in Egypt this past 2 weeks and have mixed feelings and ideas about what has transpired.  Yes, freedom is the best choice but who or what is going to fill the void since Mubarak is gone? There is no simple answer to this.....Very unsettlling to me.Too many power hungry factions and people,  I hope the end result is in the best interest of the people there, as well as the region.  I am looking forward to the lecture next Tuesday night.


  1. debbie, how was the lecture...was it informative?

  2. Cynthia,
    I really did enjoy the lecture, and it was quite informative. I am so glad I braved the weather and attended! Unfortunately, my health was not the best and pushing my limits really set me back physically. None-the-less, I am still happy I went and would do it again even knowing I would not be doing well as far as healing from my illness. Definitely something I will remember, though. It was wonderful to hear the different perspectives because I have been following the situation in the region diligently as this is quite a phenomenon. I am hoping it isn't too late to write my reaction/response as I am trying to be kind to my body and get extra rest. Thank you for suggesting we attend. And....It was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet you!
